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James A. Dix1, Robert D. Allendoerfer2, Wayne E. Jones, Jr.1, Roy A. Lacey3 and Bernard J. Laurenzi4
Departments of Chemistry, SUNY Binghamton1, Buffalo2, Stony Brook3 and Albany4

Address correspondence to: James A. Dix, Department of Chemistry, Box 6016, State University of New York, Binghamton, NY 13902-6016; Phone: (607) 777-2480, Fax: (607) 777-4478, e-mail dix@binghamton.edu


We are creating a World Wide Web (WWW) introductory chemistry site that will incorporate many key features of an electronic chemistry curriculum, including flexibility, interactivity, extensibility, diversity and self-assessment. The site will be accessible from browsers such as Mosaic and Netscape. Advantages of serving introductory chemistry from a WWW site include expanding access to chemistry instruction, platform independence, easing transitions between university units, and creating a curriculum responsive to diverse needs. Contributions and suggestions from the chemistry community can be incorporated easily and rapidly into the electronic curriculum. Since the WWW site could be used by any campus in the world having Internet access, we expect that our electronic curriculum will have a far- ranging impact on the way introductory chemistry is taught.

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