My teaching activities include the introduction of "Lab-On-Disk Programs" into the analytical chemistry curricula. This will help to promote active learning and problem-solving skills under the SUNY-Binghamton's undergraduate and graduate chemistry curricula. I have taught and selectively revised the introductory analytical chemistry course (CHEM. 221), complementing classical techniques with current issues such as the use of database programs and statistical methods. In addition, I have introduced chemical and biosensors as the main theme for CHEM 482A/582A (Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry) course syllabus. Restructuring of the analytical and instrumental chemistry laboratories has also been made to focus on real-world problems and issues that are representatives of modern analytical science. Strong emphasis is being placed on the application of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) principles of quality assurances, certification, information management, statistical evaluation of data and sampling. This work is currently funded under NSF's Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) grant for the “Integration of Environmental Chemistry and Good Laboratory Practices into Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum.”

Courses Taught 

CHEM 107

General Chemistry

CHEM 111

Chemical Principles

CHEM 221

Quantitative Analytical Chemistry

CHEM 482C/582C

Environmental Chemistry

CHEM 422

Instrumental Analysis

CHEM 521

Advanced Analytical Chemistry

CHEM 424/524

Biosensors & Bioanalytical Chemistry